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“When you stop doing things by the struggle of your individual will and you relax into your nature, the power of nature itself has intentions and a design for you. And it will pick you up like a river…

Then there’s this sensation you experience, “life is no longer something I have to do,

life is happening through me.”

Martha Beck


I am Melinda.

An artist at my core and a Certified Life and Grief Coach.

What brought me here:

That quote above is my life motto. For most of my life, I was over-functioning, anxious, and exhausted. Deeply depleted. I did not feel worthy of a life rooted in ease and peace. It felt safer to suffer in order to earn joy.

Then coaching ripped me open and reignited my soul. I found this work at my lowest, and realized it was an art form that could reconnect people back to their inherent nature, their truest self. My philosophy now is that we need to “bloom” before we strive. I help people rebuild after adversity + loss and thrive from their deepest knowing. I do not help people achieve traditional success rooted from social pressure. People work with me because they want a life that is an authentic expression of their truest values.



Welcome to Rising.

A Six Month Grief Coaching Program that will radically change how you live, love, and grieve.



Have you ever met someone and they’ve had such a deep impact on your life that you can’t quite find the words to describe it? That’s what working with Melinda for this past year has been like.
— Bri V., California
You give people the greatest gift of their lives. There is no greater gift than empowering someone to love themselves and live authentically. You stared at life’s greatest beauties and struggles alongside me. Working with you was the best chance I took.
— Hannah N., Oregon
Melinda’s work with me has been life changing. That may sound like a dramatic overstatement, but when I look back and see how far I’ve come since beginning coaching with her, things have changed in all spaces for the better.
— Aman M., Oregon